Completely stunned and shocked but bloody happy to receive the news last evening that my work has been selected as one of three finalists in the 2013 “Nikon-Walkley Press Photographer of the Year Award”.
The news was announced in simultaneous Walkley events in Sydney and Melbourne whilst I was watching the tele back home in Cairns … gawd bless Twitter !
Feel humble to have been chosen alongside the other two finalists – and with With Kate Geraghty and Quinn Rooney the competition I’ll happily leave it at that!!
My portfolio consists of ten images and they can be found here at … … whilst all the Nikon-Walkley photographic finalists work may be found here at …
Many Thanks to the Walkley Foundation and Nikon – and I’m looking forward to the big night Walkley ‘bash’ in Brisbane town on November 28th.
Below is just one image from my finalist portfolio of ten. Bim Atkinson allowed me to make this image in his home. As a young schoolboy he was serially raped by the head master of his school – a man who continued to abuse children throughout his high profile career in the church up until his death a few years ago. The photograph was made to accompany a story in “The Australian”.
Image © Brian Cassey 2013