Everyday … Climate Change …

During the Head On Photo Festival in Sydney a few weeks back I got to meet with many photographer colleagues … some that have been friends for many years … and many that I was meeting for the first time. Amongst the later was James Whitlow Delano … an American reportage photographer based in Tokyo with a reputation for great work on the subjects of human rights, the environment and culture.

James was a co-member of the Head On Photo Festival featured debate panel on photojournalism … and following the proceedings at The Beauchamp Hotel we had a little chat. James explained that he was the creator of one of the most far reaching and popular ‘everyday’ Instagram feeds … @everydayclimatechange … and invited me to join. Cool bananas … !!!

@everydayclimatechange, as the name suggests, attempts to highlight the problems and challenges of Global climate change through imagery … and it’s photographer lineup is awe inspiring! As well as James … amongst the inspirational and dedicated members are Ed Kashi, Ashley Crowther, Michael Robinson Chavez, Franck Vogel, Palani Mohan, Amnon Gutman, Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert, Matilde Gattoni and Vlad Sokhin … to name just a few from around six continents. (Apparently I’m the first Australasian based member – an honour indeed).

The feed is currently (today) followed by over ninety six thousand people World wide … and fast approaching the 100K milestone. It makes fascinating reading and viewing and brings into stark reality the effects that human habitation is having on our Global home.

For myself, already a member of of @everydayaustralia created by Andrew Quilty and currently with over 56K followers, @everydayclimatechange gives me the opportunity for my work to be seen by a wider audience … and perhaps make an infinitesimal difference to the state of our planet.

Please consider following @everydayclimatechange

Below is a screen grab of the @everydayclimatechange page … followed by the image and text of my very first post. Thanks James for the great opportunity.

Images © Brian Cassey (1) and individual photographers.

@everydayclimatechange - Everyday Climate Change - Brian Cassey


@everydayclimatechange - Everyday Climate Change - Brian Cassey

Everyday … Everywhere …

Have been asked to do a little spell of ‘curating’ by Seattle based photographer Peter DiCampo on the ‘EverydayEverywhere’ Instagram feed. For two weeks in August/September (specifically 23rd August to September 5th) my task will be to select a couple of the best images each day from the various ‘Everyday’ feeds around the planet … and feature them on the world wide umbrella ‘EverydayEverywhere’ feed.

‘Everyday’ feeds have taken Instagram by storm since 2012 when Peter DiCampo and writer Austin Merrill founded @everydayafrica to showcase the best documentary images of the African Continent. It now has 159K followers. Various geographic feeds have spread around the world to include @everydayusa, @everydayvietnam, @everydayasia, @everydayeasterneurope, @everydaylatinamerica, @everydaymiddleeast, @everydayiran, @everydayegypt, @everydaydprk … and many many more.

‘EverydayEverywhere’ (@everydayeverywhere) has amassed just under sixty thousand followers since launch and is a visual feast of contemporary daily life images from around our planet.

My involvement came about as a member of Australia’s own ‘Everyday’ feed – @everydayaustralia – at the initial invitation of supremely talented photojournalist Andrew Quilty about six months ago. Our Australian ‘Everyday’ feed grew steadily in members, posts and followers until about two weeks ago when Instagram decided we were worthy of a spot on their ‘Suggested Users’ feature. Instagram says their “Suggested Users List is a dynamic list that highlights some of the top community members on Instagram”. In the last two weeks we have seen our number of followers skyrocket from a modest 3000 to almost 45K !! (We’re catching up with you @everydayeverywhere !)

My fellow contributors to @everydayaustralia are … Simone De Peak @simonedepeak, Nick Moir @nampix, Raphaela Rosella @raphaelarosella, Neda Vanovac @bookhopper, Glenn Campbell @glenn_campbell, Michael Wilson @michaelwwilson, Justine Muller @_justine_muller … and Dean Sewell @dean_sewell. My ‘handle’ is @brian_cassey.

Below I’ve posted current phone screen shots of both @everydayeverywhere and @everydataustralia .

© IG and the individual photographers.