Duncan Miller Gallery … Los Angeles …

… pretty stoked that my image “Aurukun – Generations” has been selected and listed for sale by the prestigious Duncan Miller Gallery in the United States.

The gallery and their web portal Your Daily Photograph (https://www.yourdailyphotograph.com) specialises in the sale of “important classic and contemporary photographic works of art” … and are the owner of the largest collection of vintage photographs on the West Coast of America. They have subscribers and potential purchasers in 75 countries.

You may see the work on their YDP site here … http://eepurl.com/i829Xw
My work is apparently in very good company … in the recent past images by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andreas Gursky, Richard Misrach, Andre Kertesz, Edward Burtynsky and other photography legends have been offered for sale on YourDailyPhotograph.

The portrait of Aurukun Wik elders Silas and Rebecca Wolmby with their great grand children Shalona and Keola was made outside their house in the Cape York Peninsula indigenous community. It has featured numerous times in awards across the last few years … arguably the most stella being ‘sent into’ space’ and projected above the planet courtesy of the British Journal of Photography “Portrait of Humanity” awards … and published in the book collection of the same name.

My first sale at Duncan Miller Gallery was back in 2012 with my “Rajasthan Dancers” photograph, made in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India in 2011 (image below).

Images © Brian Cassey

A Gallery Sale …

It may have fetched a little less than Gursky’s ‘Rhine II’ – about four million, two hundred thousand, nine hundred and five dollars (give or take a few bucks) less – but it’s a ‘sale’ nevertheless and not to be sniffed at!

My “Rajasthan Dancers” print has apparently been purchased by a (at the moment anonymous) ‘collector’ following the offer for sale on the USA based Duncan Miller Gallery “Your Daily Photograph” collection. Damn fine news and I’m exceedingly grateful to YDP guest curator Alison Stieven-Taylor for supporting my work and making it all possible.

Alison’s spell as guest curator for the month of August on YDP has meant that the work of a host of Australian photographers have received invaluable exposure to collectors , museums and galleries in over 74 countries around our planet … and has made more visible the exceptional work of ‘Down Under’ based photo artists. In great company my work was just ‘one day’ out of 30 which also included, amongst others, the great works of Megan Lewis, Tim PageSam Harris, Paul Blackmore, Louise Whelan, Claire MartinJohn Ogden, Patricia Casey, Kerry Pryor and Tami Xiang … and there is still over a week of Alison’s curating to go.

“Your Daily Photograph” is a great initiative and window for anyone interested in ‘the photograph’ … and well worth the free subscription.

Below is a cut from the YDP page which includes my image … and a click on it will take you to the original page.

Image “Rajasthan Dancers” © Brian Cassey 2011


Duncan Miller Gallery USA …

Thanks to photography journalist and curator Alison Stieven-Taylor one of my images has been featured and offered for sale in the Duncan Miller Gallery (California) “Your Daily Photograph” selection.

Every day the Gallery selects a small percentage of the photographs submitted and offers just four for sale to the first person to ‘reserve’.

Apparently I’m humbly in very good company …  “in the recent past images from Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andreas Gursky, Richard Misrach, Andre Kertesz, Edward Burtynsky and other photography legends have appeared in “Your Daily Photograph” … I’m told.

The price tag on my work is just slightly less than Gursky’s World record breaking photograph price of $4.3 million for the ‘Rhine II’. Compared to that my image is an absolute bargain …

Alison Stieven-Taylor is appearing as a guest curator on “Your Daily Photograph” for the month of August and she is responsible for the selection of my “Rajasthan Dancers”. Alison is a renowned journalist specialising in all matters of a photography nature. She is a contributor to many photo news magazines and web sites (including the prestigious L’Oeil de la Photographie) and also runs the ‘must read’ web site “Photojournalism Now”.

The link to my day of “Your Daily Photograph” is … http://eepurl.com/0eKtf … and the image in question – “Rajasthan Dancers” – appears below.

Image © Brian Cassey

Rajasthan & Holi pic essay on 'fotostrada' - copyright pics by Brian Cassey