It was a great compliment to be asked to participate in an exhibition collaboration with talented Cairns artist Rick Beresford … and the results of that partnership are now up on the walls of the Flying Monkey Gallery.
Rick – an accomplished artist, curator and arts educator – asked if he could ‘work’ on several of my images … and the startling resulting works now form the exhibition ‘The Remixes’.
The exhibition is now open to the public at the Flying Monkey … and the official launch/opening will be at the unusual time of 10am (yup … in the morning) next Saturday 17th June (just before I jump on a plane for Melbourne!). So please do drop in Saturday to the Flying Monkey on Sheridan Street Cairns, grab yourself a coffee and some breakfast and say ‘Hi’ !
Below is one of the results of our collaboration from an image I made of three year old Harmony in the indigenous community of Kowrowa west of Kuranda.
Image and work © Brian Cassey and Rick Beresford