Don’t often get this sort of coverage so … many thanks to photography journalist Rob Ditessa and the Australian Photography magazine for the great ten page spread in the current April edition.
Rob managed a nice job putting a cohesive touch to the amazing amount of ‘waffle’ that I supplied at his request on the subject of my many years in the news media photographic industry that dates back to my teens.
In particular Rob was interested in the roles that picture agencies had in my progression from a very raw teen with a manual SLR covering British football to the muck and bullets coalface of the major international news stories such as the Boxing Day Asian Tsunami of 2004. (Sadly the pars mentioning my invaluable pic agency mentors such as AP’s Russ McPhedran were a ‘space’ casualty.)
The pages and images look great … with two double page spread photos and other pics amongst the text … and a ‘The Gear’ box detailing the kit I now use that should keep Kylie and Julie at Nikon Australia a little happy.
Sadly (perhaps not!) the text here will be unreadable … and if you have an inclination to read the story and text you’ll have to either subscribe or shell out for a print copy of the mag at your newsagents … (or send me a message and I’ll see what I can do 🙂 )
Images © Brian Cassey … Pages © Australian Photography