Trinity Bay High School … Portrait Prize Number 9 …

I’ve said it eight times before … and now year number 9 !

Under the tutelage of the visual arts teachers at Trinity Bay High School, Cairns … these teen photography students are amazing.

For the past eight years of judging I’ve been fascinated and oft times stunned by the effort and creativity that these high school students put into their annual photographic portrait prize entries.

This year was definitely no exception … and the rivalry and quality of their works were closer than ever. The 58 images they produced ranged from sultry classical black and white portraits to seriously colourful photographic abstract representations … and just about everything in between. Great to see that almost everyone had moved away from the ‘snap’ shot and constructed their entries with great thought, a story line and a connection to their subject … with a dose of photographic skill mixed in.

It took me overnight to make the judging decision … and separating the top three contenders was a torturous task. Eventually I settled on these (below … from top then left to right).

Overall Winner – Jesse Boyle with ‘Lostin’ ‘ … 2nd Prize – Antonia Kaufmann with ‘Shadows of Thoughts’ … 3rd Prize – Zane Thaddeus MacFarlane with ‘Bro Sobbing’ … Highly Commended X 3 – Azuma Said with ‘Echoes of Emptiness’, Maddalena Scalco with ’The Smile of 90 Years of Happiness’ and Jean Paul itembaya with ‘Past Reflections’. The Peoples Choice Award went to Theris Vakaruru with ‘Dallas’.

Jesse’s enigmatic subtle winning portrait caught the eye … and just clung on to it … and he was deservedly presented with a Canon 1500D DSLR with a 18-55mm lens sponsored by Garricks Camera House. (Of note was Maddalena’s ‘The Smile of 90 Years of Happiness’ work. Despite lacking some technicality and compositional skill it was an image that couldn’t help but make you smile 🙂 )

I’ll let you make up your own mind about these great portraits (below) created by the talented Trinity Bay High School students.

You can view all the TBHS students winning works from the past eight years by clicking here…2023202220212020 2019201820172016

Bring on the decade in 2025 😉

Images © the student artists … Jesse Boyle, Antonia Kaufmann, Zane  Nguyen-Pung, Azuma Smid, Maddalena Scalco, Jean-Paul Itembaya, Theris Vakaruru .

Judging Trinity Bay High Portrait Prize 2021 …

A distinct pleasure … for the sixth year … to be invited to judge and present at the annual Trinity Bay High School Photographic Portrait Prize for 2021.

It never ceases to amaze me the quality of portrait work that these talented teen students submit … and the passion and dedication shown by their tutors to foster that talent.

Another big year for student entries this year … the schools gallery space was crowded with some excellent portraiture. As always the case, several images stood out … the more difficult part was settling on a winner and the other prize winners.

The work of year eleven Patrick Rubambo student ‘No Face’ featuring Angelique Iradukunda … an evocative, creative, well executed, nicely composed and beautifully detailed and printed black and white portrait (top below) … left me no option but to declare it the Winner.

Patrick hails from Burundi in east central Africa and came to Australia in 2019. Now in his third year at Trinity Bay High, he has been studying Film, TV and Photography since inspired by what he saw on YouTube and Instagram. His mates seemed more excited than Patrick as he calmly accepted his prize …  a Nikon DSLR courtesy of Garricks Camera House.

Year 12 student Ipsa Bharti was selected as runner up for her beautifully lit portrait ‘Patter of my Mind’, year 11 Madi La Pira was not far behind with her candid approach to ‘EOTS’, whilst Abbey Wilson’s (year 12) creative ‘Ghost’ scored an Honourable Mention. (All shown below.)

Janelle Williams Head of the schools Visual Arts department, New Media teacher Luke Madsen, arts teacher Caroline Mudge and all others involved in fostering the students visual talents should be most gratified with the results.

You can find the winners images from previous years TBHS portrait prizes here … 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016.

Images © the students … (clockwise from top) … Patrick Rubambo, Ipsa Bharti, Madi La Pira and Abbey Wilson

Winner - Trinity Bay High School Photographic Portrait Prize 2021 - 'No Face' by Patrick Rubambo - judge Brian Cassey

Trinity Bay High School Photographic Portrait Prize 2021 - 'Ghost' by Abbey Wilson (Commended) & ‘Pattern of my Mind’ by Ipsa Bharti (2nd Place)- judge Brian Cassey

3rd Place - Trinity Bay High School Photographic Portrait Prize 2021 - 'EOTS by Made La Pira - judge Brian Cassey