Cyclone Yasi Pic Essay …

The massive clean up continues in the wake of category 5 Cyclone Yasi.

As hinted at in the earlier post below “Cyclone, Cyclone”, I’ve now posted a pic essay to the ‘fotostrada’ web site in “Latest Stories” –  on the passage of the cyclone and it’s destruction through northern Queensland Australia. There may well be more images added as the weeks progress.

(Update – As of late February this essay is also included in my main Photojournalism website at .)

Below are a small selection of images from the essay – the complete work may be found on ‘fotostrada’ here and on my main site here .

All images © Brian Cassey

1 thought on “Cyclone Yasi Pic Essay …”

  1. I was wondering if I could get a copy of the first photo displayed on this page as it is of my Dad, Jim Wickerson and his brother Ed Wickerson, taken the day after Cyclone Yasi hit.
    Thank you for taking the time to read my comment.

    Yours sincerely
    Robyn Wickerson
    Cyclone Yasi victim.


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