July 4th & San Francisco …

Thanks to the organisers of “The Kellicutt International Photo Show” (of which I am honoured to be one of this years three judges) I found my myself in the coastal community of Half Moon Bay California on the most important day of the year for most Americans – July 4th Independence Day.

Just south of the San Francisco metropolis, Half Moon Bay is a pretty satellite community based around agriculture and fishing. The main street – Main Street (surprisingly) – comes alive on July 4 with a colourful traditional local parade. All can join in the fun …

Parades of this type are becoming rarer as community and family values fade over time.

I greatly enjoyed the atmosphere on the day and making the images and have now posted a pic essay “July 4th” to “Latest Stories” on the ‘fotostrada’ web site at http://www.fotostrada.com/#/latest-stories/july-4th/BC_USAJuly4_31

Tonight (July 5th) I will be attending the big presentation of awards evening at “The Kellicutt International Photo Show”. Fellow judges and photographers Scott Atkinson, Oliver Klink and myself have now selected the winners and place getters from the forty five hanging in the exhibition which were whittled down from the initial circa twelve hundred entries from around the planet. The prize winning works are a diverse selection from all forms of photography including portrait, landscape, wildlife and photojournalism. More about the winners later … ! I’m also deeply appreciative of the invitation and hospitality provided by the photo show organisers Jeff and Kirsten Klagenberg … Thanks Guys!

Below I’ve posted just a couple of teaser images from the pic essay “July 4th”.

Images © Brian Cassey