With Queensland Premier Campbell Newman’s decision to roll back the indigenous alcohol management plans the excrement hit the proverbial fan! I travelled to Aurukun (via Weipa and a two hour drive each way) on the western tip of Cape York with Brisbane based journalist Jamie Walker for ‘The Australian’ last week – where we covered not only the alcohol issue but also the final declaration of the Wik Native Title Determination.
We were only able to stay in the indigenous township for a matter of a few hours so there was little time for a social ‘chit chat’!
However, our efforts were well rewarded in Saturday’s Weekend Australian edition with a Page 1 story and large pic (of the very gracious Rebecca and Silas Wolmby), a spill to page 6 with another large image … and the whole of page 21 of the ‘Inquirer’ section with another two photos … all on the alcohol issue. We also scored page 3 and two pics in the Friday edition with the Wik Determination story.
Below I’ve posted a screen image of page 1 of Saturday’s Weekend Australian and also of Fridays page 3 of the Australian (with the image of delightful Aurukun school children and presiding Justice Andrew Greenwood). If you subscribe to the Australian you will be able to view these stories and pics online at http://www.theaustralian.com.au/
© Images by Brian Cassey