Nice publication this week in a brilliant innovative UK print magazine … ten pages of my images and words in “Delayed Gratification – (the Slow Journalism Magazine)” – finely orchestrated by DG director Marcus Webb.
The mag takes a refreshing and unique look at the news. It’s stories re-analysis news events three months after, “picking out what really mattered and returning to events with the benefit of hindsight so we can give you the final analysis rather than the first, kneejerk reaction.”
The classy elegantly designed and printed publication takes the form of a quarterly historical document with “lots of beautiful infographics, which we use to draw out patterns from the quarter and give new angles on stories.”
They proudly boast … “We invest in the best long-form, in-depth journalism in the world, accompanied by stunning images and photo features.”
My work – “Between Heaven and Hell” – tells in images and words the story of Manus Island and the impact of Australia’s contentious two billion odd dollar Lombrum asylum seeker detention centre on the Papua New Guinea island and it’s indigenous population. It was the result of two visits (totalling three weeks in July 2013 & May 2016) to the island, working as a freelance for News Corp Australia (who kindly OK’d the use of my images in the mag).
Below you can see the ten magazine pages of the article … and if you’d like to read my words I strongly suggest you take out a subscription to what is a truly wonderful magazine! You won’t regret it …
As “Delayed Gratification” say on their web site … “It even smells good !”
Images © Brian Cassey, News Corp Australia & Delayed Gratification