Good Weekend … The Last Days of Eden …

The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald weekend mag “Good Weekend” featured Saturday a four page story by Susan Chenery, accompanied by my images, on Restoration Island castaway and all round good guy David Glasheen.

Entitled “The Last Days of Eden” the story told of David’s life of isolation and his current battle to avoid eviction from his island paradise off the northern tip of Cape York Peninsula. I’ve been, indeed, fortunate to visit David several times on ‘Resto’  and he has made me most welcome every time.

Below I’ve posted a screen shot of the “Good Weekend” double page spread … and Susan’s story and more of my images can be found on the Sydney Morning Herald web site at …

David’s fight to stay on the island has spread around the planet and much interest has been forthcoming from diverse parts and publications. My images have featured in some interesting countries … also below are just two screen shots of pages from opposite sides of the World … Colombia and Switzerland.

Images of David Glasheen © Brian Cassey