India Images … a Reprise …

Very refreshing to see some of my work from India a few years back given a new lease of life in print this weekend.

The piece was published in the ‘Weekend Post’ edition of ‘Cairns Eye’ magazine … the story entitled ‘Global Wanderers’ consisting of text and pics from three “eternal travellers” … Cairns personalities who “view the World through a different lens”. The other two ‘travellers’ are underwater photographer and film maker Christian Miller and former Cairns … now Indonesian based … Balawyn Jones.

My first person one page piece told, accompanied by five photos, of a jaunt around Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh India with a couple of photographer colleagues (Rob Maccoll and Peter Wallis) in a classic Hindustan Ambassador taxi. With the invaluable and so pleasant help of our driver and Ambassador owner Kishore, we travelled to the best bits of both states and made myriads of images. In addition to the five images inside with my story, one pic from the Jaipur elephant festival was also used to grace the whole cover of ‘Cairns Eye’ (see below – I don’t believe that this elephant pic has had an airing in print before).

Won’t disclose the text and spoil it for readers … grab yourself a copy of the ‘Weekend Post’ for a read.

More of my work from India can be found on my web site at … … and …

Below are grabs of the ‘Cairns Eye’ cover (with Jaipur elephant image) and page nine with my text/images.

Images © Brian Cassey and The Cairns Post.


Cairns Post - Cairns Eye Travel Issue - Global Wanderers - India images by Brian Cassey

Cairns Post - Cairns Eye Travel Issue - Global Wanderers - India images by Brian Cassey